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The MS4 Stormwater Management Program & Plan: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination


Updated: Jan 15

The illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) minimum control measure consists of best management practices (BMPs) and program elements that focus on finding and addressing non-stormwater discharges and/or non-permitted discharges that may be entering the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).

Regulated MS4s are required to establish plans to detect and eliminate illicit discharges including discharges not composed entirely of stormwater. They must map all outfalls from the storm sewer system to surface waters (not only from pipes, but also from road ditches, swales and other stormwater carriers), and must inform public employees and the community about the hazards of illegal discharges and improper waste disposal. Further, illicit discharges to the storm sewer system must be prohibited by ordinance or regulation, and the prohibition must be enforced.

The MS4 is required to develop and maintain a map showing: the location of all outfalls and the names and location of all surface waters of the State that receive discharges from those outfalls. By March 9, 2010, the preliminary boundaries of the permittee's storm sewersheds should be determined using GIS or other tools, even if they extend outside of the urbanized area. This will help facilitate trackdown of illicit discharges. When grant funds are made available, a map of the sewer lines and storm sewer system should be completed.

The MS4 is required to field verify outfall locations and conduct an outfall reconnaissance inventory that addresses every outfall within the MS4 designated area at least once every five years.

An IDDE program should also address non-stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping. The program must include: procedures for identifying priority areas of concern (geographic, audiences, or otherwise); a description of priority areas of concern, available equipment, staff, funding, etc.; procedures for identifying and locating illicit discharges (trackdown); procedures for eliminating illicit discharges; and procedures for documenting actions.

In certain areas that have current Watershed Improvement Strategies and/or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements, the regulated community may also be required to undertake additional activities such as: completing entire system mapping by January 8, 2013; and developing an on-site wastewater system inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation program (including the necessary legal authority to enforce the program). The details associated with these additional requirements are further described, and should be referenced, in the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from MS4s.

Selected Activities and BMPs:

To meet the IDDE program requirements, the MS4 has selected the following Best Management Practices (BMP's) and activities to ensure the reduction of all pollutants of concern in stormwater discharges to the maximum extent practicable.

Outfall Mapping

Description of BMP/Activity: Create and maintain a map of all storm sewer system outfalls and identify the names of receiving waterbodies. The map will identify each outfall with a unique identifier and will link the outfall to a table of outfall properties collected See PDF file below for stormwater outfall locations in the Village of Oriskany.

For reference, also see the PDF file below for the sanitary sewer system in the Village of Oriskany.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Sewershed Mapping

Description of BMP/Activity: Identify the boundaries of the storm sewersheds. A storm sewershed is defined as the catchment area that drains into the storm sewer system and includes an examination of surface topography and underlying infrastructure. These boundaries may extend slightly beyond the designated MS4 area to help facilitate trackdown

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[X] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Total Storm Sewer System Mapping

Description of BMP/Activity: Create and maintain a map of the entire storm sewer system including features such as connecting pipes, catch basins, manholes, and outfalls. Additional information collected may include, but is not limited to: direction of flow, pipe type and size, number of inputs and outputs, and condition of the feature. Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

See PDF file below for general mapping of the storm sewer system in the Village of Oriskany.

Field Verify Outfall Locations

Description of BMP/Activity: Field verify outfall locations to insure they exist and are still a functioning part of the storm sewer system. During this activity, previously unknown outfalls may be identified. This task may also relate to activities conducted as part of the "Outfall Mapping" and/or "Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory". The previous outfall inventory for the Village of Oriskany uncovered 15 outfall locations. In June of 2020, an updated inventory was undertaken that identified 2 additional outfall locations. The new outfall reconnaissance inventory now brings the total to 17 outfalls location sites. No illicit discharges were discovered at any of these sites.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

See PDF file below for stormwater outfall locations in the Village of Oriskany.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Law or Ordinance

Description of BMP/Activity: Draft, adopt and enforce a stormwater management ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to prohibit illicit discharges. See PDF file entitled "Local Law #1" below.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Town or Village Board

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

  • Implementation: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

Status - Program Development:

[X] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[X] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Administration of IDDE Programs and Policy

Description of BMP/Activity: Establish IDDE program responsibility, communication, coordination and authority within local departments and agencies. Evaluate existing capabilities, identify needs and designate key staff and their roles in the IDDE program. This activity may also involve the creation of a tracking system to document local management response and enforcement efforts.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [X] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [X] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Assessment of Illicit Discharge Potential (IDP)

Description of BMP/Activity: Conduct screening of outfalls and land uses in the context of broader watershed initiatives to identify the potential for generating sites and certain types of illicit discharges. Generally assists in the identification of community needs and priorities, and in the development of a program and implementation strategies geared to the specific illicit discharge potential found within the MS4 designated area.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Targeted IDDE Inspection Program

Description of BMP/Activity: Undertake a program to identify specific types of sites, land uses and/or activities that will be the focus of IDDE inspections. Specific types of targeted discharges may relate to, but are not limited to: car washing facilities, restaurants, auto repair shops, refueling stations, commercial and/or industrial areas, older areas of development where infrastructure may be deteriorating, and areas of repeated complaints Three types of generating sites were targeted for inspection during the 2020 reporting year; Building Maintenance, Commerical Carwashes and Parking Lot Maintenance. No illicit discharges were found at these sites.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

IDDE Track-Down and Response Procedures

Description of BMP/Activity: Develop a plan and/or written procedure to investigate and confirm sources of pollution when issues arise due to public input or by scheduled system inspection. See PDF file entitled "IDDE Track-Down and Response Procedures" below:

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

  • Implementation: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Employee Education and Training

Description of BMP/Activity: Inform and educate employees on the hazards associated with illicit discharges

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Inform and Educate Businesses and Industry

Description of BMP/Activity: Inform and educate local businesses and industry regarding the hazards associated with illicit discharges

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [X] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [X] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Inform and Educate the General Public

Description of BMP/Activity: Inform and educate the general public regarding the hazards associated with illicit discharges

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Storm Drain Stenciling Program

Description of BMP/Activity: Install and maintain permanent markers on all stormwater system catch basins and other stormwater system features that inform individuals that dumping is prohibited as the storm system drains to a nearby lake or stream

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Department of Public Works

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: As Needed

  • Implementation: As Needed

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [X] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [X] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

IDDE Hotline

Description of BMP/Activity: Establish a hotline by telephone, as a web-based tool, or by other means where the general public can contact the MS4 to report suspected IDDE issues

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Town or Village Board

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed

[ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Trash and Debris Management

Description of BMP/Activity: Develop a coordinated system for solid waste management to reduce the likelihood for illegal dumping and pollution of stormwater systems. This activity may include the development of specific recycling programs and collection days such as for household hazardous wastes, green wastes or used oil recycling programs

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Town or Village Board

  • Implementation: Department of Public Works

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle.

{X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Septic System Program

Description of BMP/Activity: In areas that lack community-wide sanitary sewer service, a "Septic System Management Program" is often used to evaluate individual septic systems to detect whether the system is failing or discharging (directly or indirectly) to the stormwater system. Indirect discharges may include leakage on ground surfaces or leaking pipes. Direct discharges may involve straight pipe discharges to streams or ditches. Activities that may be part of a program include but are not necessarily limited to: homeowner surveys, surface condition analysis, and/or a detailed septic system inspection. Not applicable in the Village of Oriskany since septic systems are not allowed with Village limits.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: NA

  • Implementation: NA

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: Not Applicable

  • Implementation: Not Applicable

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. [X] NA

Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. [X] NA

Dye/Smoke Testing

Description of BMP/Activity: Dye testing and/or smoke testing generally assist in the detection and tracking of illicit discharges and help to pin-point the exact source of the discharge. These techniques involve flushing non-toxic dye or injecting non-toxic smoke into storm sewer lines or other features, then noting the presence of the indicator in illegal connections, cracks, outfalls, etc. Smoke testing on the sanitary sewer system was conducted in the Village in the Fall 2009.

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Outside or Contract Agency: HOCCPP

  • Implementation: Outside or Contract Agency: HOCCPP

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: As Needed

  • Implementation: As Needed

Status - Program Development:

[X] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[X] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [ ] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Combined Sewer and/or Sanitary Sewer Overflow Program

Description of BMP/Activity: Develop and implement a program to manage the effect of excess stormwater runoff on sanitary and/or combined sewer overflows. Specific types of activities may include, but are not necessarily limited to: survey and corrective measures for inflow and infiltration, identification of storm water connections to sanitary sewer systems, infrastructure replacement, etc The Village of Oriskany is included in the Oneida County Sewer District, which has a Inflow/Infiltration Offest Plan to reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sanitary sewer system. A consent order has been issued by the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, which mandates that any new sewer connection must be offest by inflow or infiltration reduction in the amount of five times what the new connection is expected to contribute. This has been done in order to curtail the outfall of combined stormwater/sanitary discharges into surficial bodies of water. Sanitary and Stormwater infrastructure improvements were made to the Village's existing sewer system in 2009 which have enabled the Village to receive storm sewer credits that enable present and future connections to the sanitary system while preserving the water quality of nearby surface waters. For further details on combined sewer outflow, see PDF entitled "Storm Sewer vs. Sanitary Sewer" below:

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Outside or Contract Agency: Oneida County Dept. of Water - Quality & Pollution Control

  • Implementation: Town or Village Board

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: On-going/Continuous

  • Implementation: On-going/Continuous

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Non-Stormwater Discharges

Description of BMP/Activity: Evaluate and update lists of non-stormwater discharges to insure that no exempt discharge is a substantial contributor of pollutants to the storm sewer system. The Village of Oriskany need not address the following catrgories of non-stormwater discharges unless the municipal engineer later identifies them as significant contributors of pollution:

  • Irrigation Water

  • Footing/Foundation Drains

  • Basement/Crawl Space Sump Pump Water

  • Individual Residential Car Washing

  • Street Wash Water

  • Discharges from Firefighting Activities

  • Dechlorinated Swimming Pool Discharges

  • Discharges from Potable Water Sources

  • Air Conditioning Condensation

  • Flows from Riparian Habitats and Wetlands

  • Waterline Flushing

  • Ground Water infiltration & Rising Ground Water

  • Pumped Ground Water

Staff, Agency, and/or Organization Reponsible for Completing this Activity:

  • Program Development: Municipal Engineer

  • Implementation: Municipal Engineer

Frequency of Activity:

  • Program Development: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

  • Implementation: Single Occurrence (Includes Updates As Needed)

Status - Program Development:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit. Status - Implementation:

[ ] Completed - This activity has been completed [ ] Short-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the current reporting year. [ ] Long-Term - This activity will be accomplished within the 3 to 5 year permit cycle. [X] On-Going - This activity will be undertaken throughout all years of the permit.

Measurable Goals:

Regulated communities are required to collect and report information about the development and implementation of their stormwater program. Specific information that the MS4 is required to collect is generally included in the Annual Report and may also be reflected in related Self-Assessments (as applicable). MS4s are also required to identify "Measurable Goals" that will help them evaluate accomplishments and progress over time. The following "Measurable Goals" have been specifically identified for this Minimum Control Measure:

  • Percent completion of outfall mapping: 100

  • Percent completion of system mapping: 100

  • Delineation of stormwater sewersheds: Not yet completed

  • Number and percent of outfalls mapped: 17 outfalls mapped

  • Percent of outfalls for which an outfall reconnaissance inventory has been performed: 100

  • Percent of outfalls inspected each year: 100

  • Number of illicit discharges detected: 0

  • Number of Illicit discharges addressed, corrected or eliminated: 0

  • Adoption and enforcement of local IDDE law or ordinance: Yes

  • Percent of relevant employees trained: 66

  • Quantity of educational materials distributed: 50 Documents

  • Number of idde calls to hotline: 0

Program Accomplishments:

Activities and BMPs that have been accomplished to date for this Minimum Control Measure are included within the required MS4 Stormwater Annual Report form and Municipal Compliance Certification. Copies of these documents can be found under the heading "Program Reporting and Effectiveness". A summary of the effectiveness of this program, associated BMPs, activities and an assessment of measurable goals can also be found under the heading "Program Reporting and Effectiveness".


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